Attention - President Buhari,IGP Arase And The World.


Attention: President Buhari, IGP Arase and the World.

The Neo- Black Movement (NBM) of Africa Worldwide felicitates with President Muhammadu Buhari on his successful inauguration. We salute his doggedness, patience and patriotism on his return-to-power march as well as his inaugural speech in which he said he had put the past behind. This posture will strengthen peace and national unity.
Consequently, we regard him as Nigeria's Mandela and wish him long life and God’s guidance.

NBM also commends the efforts of the Governor of Edo State, Comrade Adams Oshiomole and the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Solomon Ehigiator Arase ,in tackling the menace of youth violence in Benin City.
NBM is a pan-Africanist non-governmental organization dedicated to the development and uplift of the black race and the world in general. Its ideological roots are in the evergreen teachings of great Pan-Africanists such as Kwame Nkrumah, Marcus Garvey, George Padmore, W.E.B. DuBois, Nnamdi Azikiwe and others.

NBM of Africa is an association registered by the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) - Reg No 7729. NBM is a global organisation present all over the world, across continents. Our membership cuts across all ethnic definitions and is open to all upright and law-abiding citizens. Our activities include humanitarian and public health initiatives in communities where we have a presence. NBM works to eradicate all forms of discrimination, oppression and neo-colonialist ideals. Our vision is to stimulate the ambition of members and prepare them for their greatest usefulness in the cause of humanity, freedom and dignity. 

    In Nigeria for example, NBM through its various committees has instituted various humanitarian projects such as providing free eye medical care treatment and free medical check-ups/treatment for the aged in Ijebu Ode, Udu-Warri, and very recently Omoku in Rivers State to mention but a few. It is our cardinal objective to support and be involved in democracy and good governance.

 This explains why, during the global outcry of xenophobic attacks recently in South Africa, we had peaceful marches in three major cities in Nigeria (that were publicized) where letters were read and presented to that country’s high commissioner in Lagos. The marches were simultaneous with those we held in South Africa and our other units in the Diaspora.

As a group, we have collaborated with state governments in the past in promoting education by donating books to schools etc. We have also collaborated with the Nigeria Police Force by donating equipment that will aid them establish law and order in Nigeria. We have collaborated with Nigeria prisons, government hospitals and private NGOs in providing amenities that will bring aid and promote development in Nigeria and the world. Our group chapters in the diaspora are also involved in developmental projects in Nigeria and in their host countries. 

Our constitution and by-laws do not in any way condone violence or any form of criminal acts. We will continue to prosecute and expel any member who does anything to promote social ills in any form or becomes an agent of murder. We want to use this medium to reiterate that NBM is not a violent or criminal organisation. The only outfit we are affiliated to is UHURU International Foundation which is an outfit for our charitable activities. It is a cardinal policy of the movement to actively collaborate with progressive Black liberation movements and other related legal organizations whose aims and objectives are in harmony with that of the organization
UHURU International Foundation developed her creed following the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which the foundation saw as what will bring succor especially to the poor and downtrodden especially in poor and developing nations. UHURU International Foundation has been actively involved in providing academic scholarships and shelter to underprivileged families. 

It efforts are in conjunction with other philanthropic organisations to positively affect the lives in poor communities. We strongly emphasize that our objectives are set out to abide by the constitution of our land and that of any of our host country. We will stand to defend the laws of the land at all times and ensure that our objectives and activities do not contravene the laws. We are law-abiding citizens and responsible members of the society. Our good deeds apply to all persons and groups regardless of race, religion or tribe.
NBM has supported and will continue to fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies where there is evidence to investigate and prosecute anyone (members or non-members) found to be sponsoring, instigating and committing criminal activities and violence that threaten society and all of us. 

We want the general public to be aware that any person or group of persons involved in criminal activities claiming to be members of NBM do(es) not represent NBM and hence we disclaim such persons. They are impersonators like there are fake soldiers, policemen, etc. In fact, we have made a duty to fish them out and hand them over to security agencies. In addressing this issue as a group we have embarked on a recertification programme and are now issuing ID cards to only bonafide law-abiding members. We want to categorically state that NBM was not and will not be involved in any crisis in any part of the country and even in the recent ugly events in Benin City. 

NBM condemns every form of violence as we adhere strongly to our guiding principle of Martin Luther King Jr. which professes non-violence as a way of life. Our members are responsible professionals in various fields of human endeavour who seek the best for our beloved country and the world in general. We also do not attack other groups’ members in the name of rivalry or petty issues as illiterate impersonators and hoodlums do. Instead we have other responsible members of other groups as business, social and political associates with whom we hold sporting activities, marriages, etc.

On the 11 persons arrested over violent activities in Benin City (using information at our disposal), they were to the best of our knowledge invited for a meeting to discuss the ongoing violence and lawlessness. At no point was it made known that they were involved in or encouraged the violence. We are relying on the police to carry out their investigations without any form of bias or torture and ensure that justice prevail for them.
NBM of Africa is not and has never been a cult group and has no relationship to/with Black Axe or any violent organisation. 

The general public should be aware that anyone or group that passes itself/themselves off as NBM of Africa or use(s) the name of the movement to perpetrate violence or spread misinformation will be brought to the attention of the authorities and challenged in a court of law. NBM is not Black Axe and does not share values with any student group or confraternity as we abhor violence. It is our conviction to vigorously uphold and defend the collective will and best interests of the black world. 

We had at most times collaborated with the Nigeria Police Force to maintain sanity in our various institutions by reporting elements who through combative engagement and reasoning have refused to conduct themselves in a way that can foster peace and enabling environment for a better academic pursuit and for a better tomorrow and positive
leadership building that are some of our fundamental objectives. 
Most importantly, NBM undertakes a detailed scrutiny in character building, academic learning, vocation and individual relevance to enhance the aims and objectives of our organisation before admittance. 

It is also pertinent to note that where a member decides to compromise the ideals of this organisation by committing any crime which might undermine the peaceful coexistence of any black man or woman, that person must be treated in his individual capacity. We insist as a group founded on the ideals of equity and social justice that we cannot and have never sat collectively to undertake any activity that can undermine the peace or collective interest of any Black country or society.  

We therefore urge the Nigeria Police Force not to frustrate cases that would have solved this problem or be misled to antagonize groups or innocent individuals that can help in this regard. To handle cases like murder, armed robbery, kidnapping and others as cultism is most worrisome. Such criminals must be prosecuted and punished as a deterrent to others. This is our position as an organisation. 

We are currently aware of impostors/impersonators and criminals posting information on the Internet to misinform the general public and blackmail our members. The general public and other appropriate authorities should ignore and report information from faceless impostors/impersonators who we suspect could be expelled members of the movement.

We congratulate President Buhari and all Nigerians for our sustained democracy.
God bless NBM of Africa Worldwide
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria
God bless Africa and the Black Race
Signed: M.C. Udo Richmond Esq. (PRO) for NBM of Africa(Worldwide)


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