Photos: Omotola opens "Double doors Events place" with valentine party

Award winning actress Omotola officially opened her event place "Double doors " on the 14th of February hosting close friends and fans to an Old school loving valentine party. Guests were pleasantly surprised as the Entrepreneur actress handed Roses to ladies as they came in. Double doors Event place is situated at 8, Mobolaji bank anthony way , unity b.stop, Ikeja .

The exquisite hall sits about 600 - 800 guests. Has good parking and is very accessible. The fun old school party will be a yearly celebration for couples. This year's was supported by oven and bakes , think&succeed lightings etc... In attendance at the opening party were Bimbo Akintola,Alhaji Orezi,daddy freeze and wife, Denrele, Blackky, Bimpe Onakoya, Dj bombastic, Big sam , Osexynationals and many others...
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