How Blogging and wordpress can help your financial life

Hey, while you wait for that blue collar job which is not forthcoming. Why dont you start doing something that could get you a constant income.

Blogging has been of help to so many bloggers. I have seen so many persons who feeds their family with the money they generated blogging.

Blogging has reduced unemployment level in the world especially in Nigeria. If you are not a blogger, you are missing.

Do you know that you can actually generate more than 50,000 Naira or 200 Dollars and above in a month through blogging.

Blogging is fun especially when you choose the right niche.

What is Niche? Niche is the category you intend to blog about. It could be Entertainment, Politics, Sports, Technology and many more.

What you have to do is to choose the niche you are comfortable with. If you are the sport lover, choose sport. If you are the Technology lover then choose Technology.

Why Do I Have To Choose A Niche:

Choosing a Niche will help google understand your website and it will also increase your blog google rank. It will also make it easy for you to be accepted by google adsense and other monetizing site like Infolinks and

What is Google Adsense:

This is a platform introduced by google to help bloggers earn money through blogging. Google will place ads which means advert on your blog. Anytime the advert is been clicked you will be given some money on your adsense acount. They pay per click and per impression.

( Check back latter because i will be writting an article on Google Adsense )

What can blogging do for you:
1) It can make you popular- It is capable to make you a celebrity. Linda Ikeji, Olu Famous, Ogbonge blog, Ladun Liadi and Bright Clement of got their fame through blogging. you can be the next celebrity.

2) It can make you rich- Linda Ikeji bought a Mansion of about 500 Million naira about 3million dollars through blogging. Though you might not generate enough money like her but you can also generate good income from blogging.

See Also: How to increase your blog traffic through facebook platform

3) Blogging can also change your way of life - You should have it in mind that you are creating an impact in the life of someone. Especially those once that are into Technology Niche and Motivation words. People will make you their role model and they will be looking up to you. So this might change your attitude in public.

Platform Used for Blogging:


This two platform helps you to blog for free without paying for any url. but it is adviced that you get a custom url.
Examples of a custom url are: | |  but using blogspot or wordpress url it will show like this or

How can custom domain help your blog to grow

A custom domain will help your blog look professional and it will also make people believe in what you do. It will also encourage advertizers to advertize on your blog. is the easiest platform to use. Everything about it is flexible unlike wordpress.

Wordpress is technical for newbies except they have someone who will put them through.

This are the little things i would like to say for now. If you want me to assist you on how to blog and give you one on one guideline kindly send a mail to or drop your comment


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